Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Clear Baby Throat Philem

literary magazine, December 05

The Literary Magazine
Books of the Month, December 2005

From Baltasar Gracian, a Jesuit and solitary rebel, born in Aragon in the classical age (1601-1658) and admired by modern philosophers, from La Rochefoucauld to Jankélévitch, passing by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, it often reduces the production Hero and The Man in court , more rarely Criticón . Yet his work was fully translated into Latin, Italian and French, and several times reprinted during his lifetime, before becoming a literary curiosity that inspires most beautiful souls and specialists.
If we take yet understand why this philosopher by profession, which failed in its draft political adviser of the prince, like Plato in his time, could pass for the Iberian Machiavelli, praising the same act ambition, caution and concealment, we can only wish to read all of his texts. Dreaming example to see them together in an amount that is at the height of his genius, while remaining within reach of the common stock of the readers.
can be seen as is now done with the first French edition of the entire political treaties, esthetic and ethical of Gracian, translated and introduced by Benito Pelegrin, specialist of European Baroque. Suffice to say that this issue opens with a new era already necessary for approval of a grandiose project of moral edification, whose unit has not finished conceptual dazzle those who want to see clearly in existence.

Stéphane Ploccari

Treaties political, aesthetic, ethical Baltasar Gracian. Translated from English, introduced and annotated by Benito Pelegrín Ed. du Seuil, 940 p., 33 €.


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