Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Petechiae On My 3 Month Old

PRESS on Treaties (extracts)

TREATIES political, aesthetic, ethical Baltasar Gracian, translated and introduced by Benito Pelegrin, Editions du Seuil, 940 p.


Baltasar Gracian (Julia Kristeva):
The political morality of the Hexagon wallow how long already? in the minor genres: vaudeville manipulated manipulators, fable of the impotence of the will to power. Tricks and blunders. Crows, mussels and calves. Ministers secretive, stunned journalists, mass suicide. Industrialist on, a general-trapped trapping, a judge abusing-abused and a castle ghost. "When you do not feel strong enough to endure, it must be removed inside of himself, yet he must bear": these words of the Jesuit Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658), Gongora Machiavellian, admired by Mrs. de Sable, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Jankélévitch, touch me on edge. "The whole mood is tumor. There are people who turn while guerrillas. They are dangerous, leaders or ministers, they are a faction of the government. They have distorted the meaning and heart spoiled. The only way to win with them is to flee to the antipodes. " Station that wants to moralize. The explosion of nothingness is unchecked, whatever the declinists. These interference call daily concentration incisor. Baltasar, again: "To the Reader: I want you unique! "Between two words, one must choose the lesser, and the words and sounds, they are short, are a lesser evil. "Well, then again becomes favorable for writing tight, watchful. " ( Julia Kristeva , Liberation May 20, 2005)

Gracian, the hero the trick ... the best lesson of cynicism and ambiguity of European history. for almost four centuries, this work has fascinated [...] A new destiny awaits no doubt, with this first French edition in one volume [complete treatises] by Benito Pelegrín of Gracian, who for more than thirty years has devoted considerable work to the author and his times. You can find here all the treaties of the master of deception, starting with his thunderbolt initial El Héroe ( Hero) , published in 1647. ( Roger-Pol Droit , The World )

Gracian, singing the cynical. One of the most modern moralists are. [The Oracle manual ] is one of the major works of Western thought. La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyere, Voltaire, Chamfort, but also Pascal, all have read and built upon them, more or less open. The translation is now proposing that Benito Pelegrín gives new meaning to this book, closer to the original intentions of its author. (Patrice Bollon, Le Figaro )

"We understand why Gracian also influenced Guy Debord: three centuries in advance, there is no knowledge effects a radical critique of democratic capitalism, spectacular and seller. " (Philippe Lancon, Liberation )

"You can not do without editing the Treaty of Baltasar Gracian, that Jesuit genius (Philippe Sollers, Le Journal du Dimanche )

" Basically, the movement of mass psychological synthesize two modes of social control: the fascination and seduction. In both cases, the formula of English philosopher Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658) remains valid: "To win, we must reduce. " (Alexandre Dorna L e World Diplomatic ).


"In the same mold as Machiavelli ( Boissieu Jean, La Marseillaise )

" A resurrection. The player [...] will be pleased to rediscover exrême through Pelegrín Benito, one works the hardest and the most extraordinary of English literature. " (Jacques Lovichi, La Marseillaise )

" The Art of guile [...] To read with delight. ( Corsica )


"Sacred Jesuit! Here: Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658) finally assembled and beautifully translated and annotated by his connoisseur Benito Pelegrín. [...] This hot English man of the Church published in the seventeenth century, moral treatises of a strikingly modern. They inspired La Rochefoucauld, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. A treat! (Philippe Sollers, Le Nouvel Observateur )

"A bomb arrives discreetly attention, it can explode at any moment to FIG. It dates from the seventeenth century? Yes, but it is freshly reactivated, rebooted, very effective (...) it has already exploded, it will explode again, it transcends time. [...] P our (re) translate the whole, annotating and introducing it, we are entitled to the best specialist in Gracian France, Benito Pelegrín. (Olivier Renault, Art Press)

"The English Machiavelli. [...] One of the great merits of the proposed new translations by Benito Pelegrín is to make all their richness and subtlety to voluntarily oracular texts and extremely brief. "(John Blain, Read )

" with the first French edition of the entire political treaties, aesthetic and ethical Gracian, translated and introduced by Benito Pelegrín [...] This edition opens with a new era already necessary for approval of a grandiose project of moral edification, which conceptual unity has not finished dazzle those who want to see clearly in existence. (Stéphane Floccari, Magazine Literary )

"... I would strongly recommend reading Treaty polmitiques pleasing, aesthetic, ethical, Baltasar Gracian, retranslated so amazing by Benito Pelegrin. This classic of literature dates back four centuries, but it has not aged. "(Patrick Poivre d'Arvor, Marie-France )

" What is important is knowing how to succeed in society, how to fully express his gifts to become what one is. In this discourse on method [that] the subject of his main books. "(Claude Jannoud, Marianne )

" ... Benito Pelegrin, with a faultless scholarship, dissects the work "political, moral, rhetorical, and psychological casuistry, welcoming the passage (and alliteration)" dizzying verbal acrobatics, "highlighting the ambiguity of the message Gracian (Jacques Lovichi, OTHER SOUTH )

" Machiavelli of social life. [...] Four centuries old, the brilliant Gracian's writings are still relevant. (Sean James Rosse, NUMBER ).

"but the audacity is often unsuccessful and he pulls out a text, read aloud, says, through his teeth, his breath, his sound, the comparison with the original."
(Mercedes Blanco Review, Editions de Minuit, May 2006).

"renowned expert of the day Baroque Benito Pelegrín in intimate affinity with the sagacity and subtlety of the writer, moved here a wonderful French version of the Treaties of Gracian, enhanced by a scholarly presentation and annotation specifies, often seasoned with a hint of malice. "(Bernard Sese, Encyclopedia Universalis, 2006).



" Benito Pelegrin, I read what you have done "[25 years]." You him [to Gracian] Revive [...] They will say how it can be useful today. "(Jean-Pierre Elkabbach Medici Library, LCP , Channel 32, Clermont 1st, TLP Luberon, TV5, TV5 Monde (15 passages)


"Spirit ambidextrous" and always "knows discourse on both sides" Gracian is both the heir of the sophists or Castiglione and Machiavelli, but it offers the ideal human is universal, and that "government of the self he wants to reach everyone. For the art of success and effectiveness, which is the main issue of his work in a world where we must use "divine means as if there were no humans and human means as though there was no divine "precepts Gracian multiplies and paradoxes, aphorisms and maxims in this concise, condensed, in games of language and meaning (Francesca Isidori , France-Culture )


A star of European Baroque. In a surprisingly modern (...) the writer and academic Pelegrín Benito (...) also graces us with an exciting and critical apparatus of a biography. (Le Soir of Brussels ).

For the first time, the French-language found together in one volume all the treaties Baltasar Gracin (1601 - 1658), beautifully translated and introduced by Benito Pelegrin, one of the best connoisseurs of European Baroque and leading scholar of Gracian, to whom he dedicated a doctorate of State. (Jacques Franck, Libre Belgique).

"The French press said of the wonders of Baltasar Gracian. Publication of Treaties political, aesthetic, ethical (Seuil, 940 pages) that meets the tests of the Jesuit Aragon has triggered an avalanche of praise. "(La Vanguardia , Spain)


"Benito Pelegrín Baroque specialist ... Gracian gave" his French voice while keeping her English accent "(Pierre Assouline, Republic books, Weblog of the World).

"... I greet with enthusiasm the major publication of an anthology of political essays by Baltasar Gracian. (...). It is urgent to re-read author who tells us more about ourselves than many contemporary thinkers. (All- Zebest )


Philippe Lancon, "Gracian is a modern man"
The journalist Liberation Thursday, December 8 responded to the Internet. About the chat: "Treaties" by Baltasar Gracian, English Jesuit Baroque Age (seventeenth century), which opened last Book Review was devoted. ( LIBERATION.FR )

"Benito Pelegrin, who likes to point out that this book would be a favorite of business and finance from New York, resumed today this translation, which was the first in France since the seventeenth century, a new version, consolidated, revised and corrected, closer to the original language and style of Baltasar Gracian. "(Freud- )

"Thank Gracian illuminate one of the charms of situationist writings: a French classic, so clear, then, abruptly, a frantic rummage dialectic suddenly ended with a sentence so bright, so intelligent, we refuse absurd to believe the magma before it. (Traimond, Jean-Manuel, Literature, situationist weapon).

"Gracian's side of ... a thinker and a writer of genius (...) a current and a modern hot (...) What a treat! ( Weblog Toccoli )

"the dr.Cavaco went to Paris. Not to visit the Cinamathèque not to visit the Louvre or to acquire the famous Treaty political, aesthetic, ethical Baltasar Gracian ... "(Baptista Bastos Opinião )


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