I'm a little blah story you can add comments if the mood takes you. There. If I put this music here because I enjoy it, it goes without saying, eh! So on the side, then to right concocted various playlists with songs from several artists.
And in the main text, playlists by artist.
A great trip with SaReGaMa - Instrumental Works
The Abogix (JK) - Friends of African landscapes
scroll across the screen. With each click, opening a new window: another world slipping on a dock, Airport Travel syncopated multitudes in accelerated melting pot of music and cultures. Breathe, sky, chirping birds, blowing wind, ride in a hollow in nature, other times by the kaleidoscope of mixed Abogix.
It is everywhere, everywhere and at all times. Multiple moods, variety of languages, Babel trails that unite under ambient jazz rock bottom "in a language without borders" (cfMelchiades. It's beautiful.
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