And those who crept rose
Those who had risen flew
Earthworms bankers saw standing on the edges of their windows thought they hibernated since 1929.
few golden parachutes opened anyway, despite the ban hanging over this method now discredited.
official bulletins circulated, which gave orders not to catch the bankers in their fall, not to pad the sidewalks in order to cushion the impact, especially not to rescue those still living.
The banker became a pariah. We put him in passing shots to relieve the children pelted him with rotten fruit peels, laughing, and the prosecutor.
The banker discovered scabies, fleas, hunger. Anxiety and fear of tomorrow that goes with it.
Fear had changed camp.
On Earth we had fun though.
"Long Brick" the worm, so named after the unfortunate fall of a cinder block on half of its length giving it a look half-cylindrical, semi-flattened, decided that his hour had come and that we would see what they would see.
The next episode
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