Monday, December 29, 2008

Ice Skating On A Date


He felt like he had never seen before. It was as if she had taken it there to see it finally, he realizes that what he wanted was: the see-that his gaze to her bank, in it, and can not take it off.
It choked all around him, too much heat, too much body, and the music and lights ordnance. He sat there and watched her dance, danced as she bent under his eyes, moist with perspiration, his hair soaked almost - she danced without looking, and yet he felt that his body was responsible for him, his eyes sunk in it, -. He felt like he had never seen before - her dress was drenched, and it was as if the lights, music, infusing his body, it poured so that it absorbs, dance to it, even abandoned, he felt, it was, to him, among all these others, abandoned. She breathed her eyes, she danced: for he sees it, because he saw it. It was as if they violate her eyes, she forced him not to turn away from her, he said, she no longer dances, but his gaze on her, that he would look down so that his body is suspended, and the heat and dark stripe of light, he had half a mind, to get out of this heat, it was about to faint, because of the moist air, almost palpable, the air laden with sweat, perfume, he seemed to detect his scent, as if dancing she exhaled her whole body to let him feel in his throat, so that it suffocates. Sometimes she came to him, she bent over the ice bucket, and took an ice cube, she sat beside him without saying anything, she looked away, with music a little further into his body, and she pressed the ice cube in her hands, she held him, that he founded in his hot hands. She drank a glass of champagne, as if he was not there, as if it was not the bottle he had given her for her dance again, so he can see, again. And then she took another ice cube and she returned to the ice and mingled with her sweat, her scent, she danced, and the ice on his neck, on his shoulders, his throat. He looked at the ice that melted on it, on his burning skin, it was absorbed in the ice, he exhausted himself so quickly on her body, her body and she took yet another, as if she needed at each moment to melt an ice cube in it again, to feel lost on her neck on his shoulders, his throat. He felt she had come, she wanted him here, for that alone - for he was filled with the bodies of ice and sweat, so that the seen dancing until they can not, so to be filled with warmth, her, he does not want only one thing to see. It was so unbearable he began to turn an ice cube and as she clasped it in his hands, sinking feeling, spreading his hands, disappear. The have. She danced again, stunned herself almost, of being seen, she did not doubt it, very strong, he sees it, it tightens on an ice cube in his hands, very strong, an ice cube background, and disappears without quench the heat, it can escape.


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