Still, the conceit of these defects are most common among men. Conceited are among us.
But who are conceited, pedantic and ridiculous claim and showing that and are still proud of what they do or do not.
Trissotin modern times by the display of information that they have mastered the surface, these are just vanity mirror of ourselves for vanity is a sentiment that is in us all.
It appears when you like and that one has to admire, when we look at the other prostitute.
Very often, a quest that led to the exacerbation of a need for recognition, and to feed his ego, the vanity is considered better than all. It's not even in his own qualities that supposedly will find material to rise above his peers, but rather the defects he sees in others.
But this desire to be approved by the other is merely a form of humility. Indeed, as the philosopher, "beyond the vanity, there is humility, so that an uncertainty of praise heal" (Bergson).
Maybe then the true face of pedants.
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