Monday, December 29, 2008
Ice Skating On A Date
He felt like he had never seen before. It was as if she had taken it there to see it finally, he realizes that what he wanted was: the see-that his gaze to her bank, in it, and can not take it off.
It choked all around him, too much heat, too much body, and the music and lights ordnance. He sat there and watched her dance, danced as she bent under his eyes, moist with perspiration, his hair soaked almost - she danced without looking, and yet he felt that his body was responsible for him, his eyes sunk in it, -. He felt like he had never seen before - her dress was drenched, and it was as if the lights, music, infusing his body, it poured so that it absorbs, dance to it, even abandoned, he felt, it was, to him, among all these others, abandoned. She breathed her eyes, she danced: for he sees it, because he saw it. It was as if they violate her eyes, she forced him not to turn away from her, he said, she no longer dances, but his gaze on her, that he would look down so that his body is suspended, and the heat and dark stripe of light, he had half a mind, to get out of this heat, it was about to faint, because of the moist air, almost palpable, the air laden with sweat, perfume, he seemed to detect his scent, as if dancing she exhaled her whole body to let him feel in his throat, so that it suffocates. Sometimes she came to him, she bent over the ice bucket, and took an ice cube, she sat beside him without saying anything, she looked away, with music a little further into his body, and she pressed the ice cube in her hands, she held him, that he founded in his hot hands. She drank a glass of champagne, as if he was not there, as if it was not the bottle he had given her for her dance again, so he can see, again. And then she took another ice cube and she returned to the ice and mingled with her sweat, her scent, she danced, and the ice on his neck, on his shoulders, his throat. He looked at the ice that melted on it, on his burning skin, it was absorbed in the ice, he exhausted himself so quickly on her body, her body and she took yet another, as if she needed at each moment to melt an ice cube in it again, to feel lost on her neck on his shoulders, his throat. He felt she had come, she wanted him here, for that alone - for he was filled with the bodies of ice and sweat, so that the seen dancing until they can not, so to be filled with warmth, her, he does not want only one thing to see. It was so unbearable he began to turn an ice cube and as she clasped it in his hands, sinking feeling, spreading his hands, disappear. The have. She danced again, stunned herself almost, of being seen, she did not doubt it, very strong, he sees it, it tightens on an ice cube in his hands, very strong, an ice cube background, and disappears without quench the heat, it can escape.
Friday, December 26, 2008
How Long Can Occular Herpes Go Untreated
Long Brick earthworms awoke slowly, stretching.
He looked up at the sky thinking of eternity, the weight of philosophy in the world order, a thousand ways to prepare mashed potatoes and the beginning of the erection that had fired sleep. Therefore he stretched slowly. Do not start a day with an erection in the earthworm, had been so incongruous that immerse themselves in an attitude of withdrawal. There existed a current of esoteric thought which advocated the winding and unwinding permanent but it was marginal, unhelpful and more specifically, for our purposes, nothing in life lit up modestly heroic Long Brick earthworms.
The flattened part of the body it did suffer slightly, reminding him constantly cursed the day of the fall of a cinder block on his fate, his pride and, secondarily, to half its length.
He advanced toward the light that he had so missed.
The accident, surgery, his recovery in the vivarium of a certain Jean-Amedee, 10, blond sadistic especially ugly by the admiration of his parents and the school administration, his escape slow and laborious, the fight against dog jean-Amedee, pre notorious asshole, neo-and post-Sarkozyist, then its back to the home ground, his commitment to freedom underground, his incarceration and his release, finally, it was all behind him. Therein lay his strength. Nothing could happen to him.
one swift motion and advised he went to the premises of the local Socialist Party following the instructions sent to him by the cylindrical Pamela languidly.
Reader, reader. this adventure would not exist without your ability to question the immutable order of universal conservatism. Reader, viewer, the friendship that binds us to constitute the strength to face the core issues. Let's go, then.
Do you think the verse is in the fruit?
the rose thorns are they the essence?
Why live on your knees when you can crawl to freedom? Now, do you consider harmless, or take the morning erection-so finally the place it deserves in the symbolic thoughts that shape our ability to resist?
These questions do they have a long way while Brick The earthworm moves towards his destiny head full of uncertainties and the still fresh vision of the naked body of Pamela?
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Still, the conceit of these defects are most common among men. Conceited are among us.
But who are conceited, pedantic and ridiculous claim and showing that and are still proud of what they do or do not.
Trissotin modern times by the display of information that they have mastered the surface, these are just vanity mirror of ourselves for vanity is a sentiment that is in us all.
It appears when you like and that one has to admire, when we look at the other prostitute.
Very often, a quest that led to the exacerbation of a need for recognition, and to feed his ego, the vanity is considered better than all. It's not even in his own qualities that supposedly will find material to rise above his peers, but rather the defects he sees in others.
But this desire to be approved by the other is merely a form of humility. Indeed, as the philosopher, "beyond the vanity, there is humility, so that an uncertainty of praise heal" (Bergson).
Maybe then the true face of pedants.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How To Keep Popovers From Sticking
Two spectra discussed before. Wir werden
denies diese Gespenster breast-wir sind ohne Worte Gespenster, ohne Vergangenheit, die each zusammenbringen würde, wir sind von Stille und Gespenster Abstand getrennt,
Du hast die Worte ermördert, -A summer night. It was the end. You were tired, tears, cry. You were killing words Todfluss-rousing,
you had left me - you have stolen from the bedroom , I did not sleep more, in solitude, -
I should leave you for a while without sleep, without summer - I came back. Summer night. Your eyes have reflected a stranger
-summer night. A phenomenon which shaped the eeriness of the distance. I could not bear - the nights without sleep, days without nights, the summer without beginning, without end.
summer night. You know, it's the end. We sense it, a hidden certainty, it is an unconscious feeling that we met, without reality, because unexpressed, there was no beginning, there was nothing, how could there be an end, summer night. Your black eye, black tears. The trauma, silence which heralds the eternal silence, where you'll disappear. Never shall we meet again, we never have met, you say that you had already forgotten everything - summer night, your words destroy us, there are no words
enstelltes your face. I could never reach you. lost your face in a summer night.
Summer has no end. Sleep and dream. I have found the nights, and the dream. It is a single summer night without end.
Et la nuit seule entendit leurs paroles .
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Pourquoi donc qu'il m'en voulez-vous souvienne?
Could you still perceive the difference of the dreamed off from the figures that at that time belonged to reality - you've experienced what you felt experienced as you've been dreaming, dreaming must test what you know because the only way out was the path that went nowhere-
the dreamed were we, without knowing it, the dream in the desert of memory-it was an urge that his own exhaustion, contained his denial, it was a time that was inseparable from their destruction, by-the awareness of this destruction. The dreamed we were, because of the awareness of the end, and we lived as whether we were not aware in the dream the impossible eternity of a moment.
Have you swallowed in oblivion - disappeared from the start, the Missing , from the beginning, a dream that can record not , - Why do you want
that I remember, we- were perhaps only dreaming that fade with the dim light - we were one of the past and she died. We were the dim light, which prevents to distinguish anything. We had a moment of feigned night, the feigned day-to-noise, in which everything falls and dies. Why do you want me to tell me it is commemorated, driven-to something else, something else to determine. You envy me for my forgetfulness, but maybe that's forgetting what we went through, maybe you've longed for this already then forget it-we were just longing for forgetfulness. You still hang on the dreamed that have never met, they lie deep in the dead time in the imaginary space that arises from the past-
In the desert refers gives birth to only dreamed , and the full night, the ghosts, to me it is nothing else. Maybe we were just dreamed and dreamed we stayed, my dreamed-of life in the dead past.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Marketing Letter To Doctor
Summary: This is the crisis on earth. Underground, it bathes.
Long-Brick earthworms was what might be called a nice guy. Simple taste but loved the beautiful clothes, good food and lombriquettes.
was above all a sincere friend and renowned loudmouth. He had some memorable scandals including galleries filled with still-to-rat that was the scene of resignations lumbrical chain in the hierarchy, a pyramid built outside any reasonable mind.
But we go astray.
On land, while bankers were enslaved, reduced to the most demeaning tasks of social order, Long-Brick finally breathe "air from above."
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Gangbang Rape On Train Movie
And those who crept rose
Those who had risen flew
Earthworms bankers saw standing on the edges of their windows thought they hibernated since 1929.
few golden parachutes opened anyway, despite the ban hanging over this method now discredited.
official bulletins circulated, which gave orders not to catch the bankers in their fall, not to pad the sidewalks in order to cushion the impact, especially not to rescue those still living.
The banker became a pariah. We put him in passing shots to relieve the children pelted him with rotten fruit peels, laughing, and the prosecutor.
The banker discovered scabies, fleas, hunger. Anxiety and fear of tomorrow that goes with it.
Fear had changed camp.
On Earth we had fun though.
"Long Brick" the worm, so named after the unfortunate fall of a cinder block on half of its length giving it a look half-cylindrical, semi-flattened, decided that his hour had come and that we would see what they would see.
The next episodeThursday, August 14, 2008
Solve Annuity Formula For R
Infected gangrene of perpetual suspicion and succumbing to the spirit of the masses who see in every act of our coming a game of personal interests, human the 21st century, under the pretext an imperative of lucidity, completes his work of disenchantment.
His analysis of the world who want lucid, his comments and his criticism subversive pseudo full of bitterness led him to relegate his dreams and utopias in the complexities of a life dedicated to the denial of a party to itself.
Given this fact, the struggle of the movement "Free the worms' could appear as naive.
But there is in this naive form of grace.
That of those who still believe in the victory of freedom and justice and which do not yield not to quit.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Creamy Milky Discharge
Fugitive parce que pure.
Parce que dans la nuit enfuie pure, jusqu'au silence de la nuit confondue,-elle a fui sans peut-être even wanting, wanting in the night away.
was as one dead hanging in her stomach, her belly weighted night and oblivion, or so-the desire for oblivion, as if the desire is already sinking in it, he already gnawed flaps of the dead child, the child who never had been, and she would have liked, however, in his flight, rescue her, put it behind and close access to memory.
Fugitive, because the queen, because one leak in the sovereign.
She left the night mingling with his body, taking up almost absorb it, it was given to night as a body which suddenly collapses and hides himself,-disposes to sleep. Sleep long and penetrated she walked into the night, sinking in the night is silent, get lost, and on-water floating lights dead as corpses adrift, as the end of something that was, but that can not be aborted an image, flickering light on a black water-up to have ever been. Fugitive
because queen is well.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Breasting Feeding Your Man

Allegory of the journey of life in four seasons, the first European novel learning this "two pilgrims of life" traveling across Europe in search of Bliss, worldwide appearances, and set out systematically denounced and sent in "The Cave of Nothingness." Gracian sprayed false values, if present, image, ambition, power, gain, into a philosophy with a hammer that breaks without pity idols flashy false pretenses. They oppose education and culture, human gross, make a person consumed, exalts Art, which is "probably the first job of the man in paradise." Rosse, ferocious satire is part of a fantastic vein, and is written with a verve that make fantastic Criticón a masterpiece of linguistic freedom, happiness in word and in the game
( Publisher)
On the complete works of Gracian by Benito Pelegrín published by Seuil:
" is a beautiful edition " (Raphael Enthoven," New Paths of Knowledge ", France-Culture, 26. 04 / 2010)

MUCHAS Gracian
From St. Helena to St. Blaise, "the Criticón" the most baroque epics of the Grand Century English.
DAILY: Thursday, July 10, 2008
Baltasar Gracian The Criticón Presented and translated by Benito Pelegrín, Knopf, 502 pp., 24 euros.
By Robert Maggiori
DAILY: Thursday, July 10, 2008
Baltasar Gracian The Criticón Presented and translated by Benito Pelegrín, Knopf, 502 pp., 24 euros.
What says Criticón on "single defect" that can find a "great book" refers to Criticón himself: "Do not be so quick so we could learn from the heart, or long enough for one would never cease to read. "And indeed, the work of Baltasar Gracian y Morales - the first" Bildungsroman "in Europe - is unfathomable: one does not complete the reading, as if a field reaped endless pleasures, and we stop reading once a quote, a word, a turn-provoking reverie or meditation: "Oh life, you would not have started ! But since you started, you should never end! "" He who dies of hunger does not get any piece of bread and one who is dying of indigestion everywhere invited to dinner, "or" Wine is the milk old. Schopenhauer, whom Gracian has read all the books - and translated the manual Oracle - said "incomparable" and placed him ess of Don Quixote and Gulliver.
"Moorings". Reduced to its frame, the Criticón tells the allegorical and satirical fashion, the adventures of two pilgrims of life, as Fortune has to meet. Returning from the Indies, Critile fails off the island St. Helena and is snatched by the waves Andrénio, "a handsome young man, angel by his pace and still more by its action." Critile is "Criticón", who constantly criticizes, civilized man, the scholar, Reason; Andrénio is Nature, the Instinct, the wild child abandoned at birth, raised by animals, n 'would have never learned the language of men without the miraculous arrival and the conversation of which he wrecked the lives saved. States by "a secret moorings magnet," and Critile Andrénio reach Spain, and then begin a long journey both initiatory journey and pursuit of happiness - embodied by the figure of Félicinde, which we learn that she is the wife (secret) of one and mother (unknown) of the other. The turbulent wanderings through Europe in a metaphorical geography, ends in Rome, where the meeting happens with the stepmother of Life, namely Her Majesty Death. The two heroes manage to escape and land on the island of immortality, having been judged by Merit. At the end they will reach the status of one, the philosophical ideal of man which, crude, wild, gradually perfected through experience, knowledge, culture, art.
Moral of the story? All that established the Supreme Artisan is perfect, everything that man said is flawed. But if the man was born innocent, is corrupted by the world, he can save himself, building a lifestyle and build a harmonious society if given the continuing education he receives the power to spray prejudice, false values and power appearances, to overthrow a world where "virtue is persecuted, the vice applauded silent truth, falsehood trilingual. " Let no one there, however, something "enlightening." The Criticón - whose three parts are published under a pseudonym, between 1651 and 1657 - is a baroque feast, with fireworks, while jokes and games on words, alliteration and whimsical etymologies, a sarabande frenzied, irreverent - which we guess it rained very little to the Society of Jesus, Father Gracian jaw-dropping its load, put it on bread and banished him from the college of Zaragoza.
"Populaciers." It is true that the English Jesuit Criticón portrays the landscape in hell or recalling the surreal paintings by Hieronymus Bosch, and, through fantastic scenarios, and actually go Critile Andrénio the house of ambition at the court of the Pride of the street from the place of Hypocrisy ostentation, and there, like a brother of John Entommeurs, pat herself on anything that moves, false scientists, the real idiots, the arrogant and crafty, the "populaciers", "friends of popularity" - obtained by "shots, wonders and miracles booby-traps for suckers and gagas incongruous" - the "idols of the vulgar," none of the heroes and princes of the vacuum. A game of massacre but gentle, witty, fun - conducted with agudeza, this acuity is the label of the whole work of Baltasar Gracian. Is it reasonable, for example, a mother let her daughter go on a pilgrimage "to St. Blaise without it? Without ...
Gibeon M
Bravo for your analysis. Players like Chateaubriand and Balthazar Gracian Schopenhauer regarded as their master. All his work is imbued with knowledge of the human subtilté.Sa, makes it a timeless author. You're right, it is to read without moderation, especially today ... Thursday, July 10, 2008 - 09:50

"Great Art", read by Valentin Retz
Thursday, July 10, 2008
VIDEO Every Thursday, in partnership with the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, LibéLabo offers a filmed document. This week: Max Pol Fouchet talk about Simone de Beauvoir.
Thursday, July 10, 2008 Muchas
preference. St. Helena to St. Blaise, "the Criticón" the most baroque epics of the Grand Century English. Robert Maggiori
Thursday, July 10, 2008
art press
"The saga of the men patched"
[...] We must be grateful to Benito Pelegrin, Gracian and connoisseur of world-renowned specialist and the littéraure Baroque aesthetics, offering us today a remarkable translation of this Criticón which, via the narration of the adventures of two "pilgrims of life", and Critile Andrénio in search of Felicity, stands with satirical verve unmatched, funniest and most effective argument against the courtiers, the vain, flatterers, ls ambitious, talkative, fools, traitors, rogues, the "slave masters", the "blind guides", the "giants in their body but the soul dwarf"
... [...]
Story fantastic satirical novel, pamphlet pest cons-utopia, treaty-ethical-theological, the Criticón proliferans this work is, at its monsrueuse faco n as the Baroque was the prodigal who to take all his strength, all apmpleur her in our language, waiting for his translator, a translator with a thorough knowledge of English and French, and especially, as he said himself, Practice "blown Gracian" of its processes including language in its inventiveness. Benito Pelegrín is this man of great culture that has a language inveter with this wonderful freedom s'étazit given towards the end of his life, Father Baltasar Gracian to approach closer to the truth of the world, our world as it rotates. "
Jacques Henric (the series)
art press Number 349, p. 82
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Funny Consignment Shop Names
Verneinung eines Gesichts -
Verneinung die Geschichte einer denies angefangenen, a story that has no words - only the lack of words, the exhaustion of all images of the moment in which they would be able to develop.
This shortcoming it is met by dizziness, to their own denial,-the loss of features of her face that she had lent him to forget it. It is in his silence, lost in her silence - there are, like a drowning of oblivion, the fall in the absence of a face -
and his unenträselbarer look that they crushed-destruction, has been transformed from the stunning view their destruction accomplished, perhaps she has yearned for this disappearance, according to the area, in dem es nichts bleibt, dem sie sich year halten könnte,
nichts, das werden könnte Ausgesprochen, ohne zu verraten, WAS gehört zur Stille,
Unsagbare-das, weil Ungreifbare -
Verneinung die, die in seinem Gesicht vollendet wird, Verneinung go die Worte.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Red Dot On Nose Won't Go Away For Years
a preface, the fifty pages that Benito Pelegrín sign pre-text is a real test, he must density and acuity throughout trade and intimate that the translator has with this work. He invites us to see him "one of the greatest practitioners and the first theorist of what we now call the Baroque literature. The Word is the object of all the passions of Gracian, professor of religious scriptures, is the best Pelegrín placed to consider "goldsmith of this writing" . It should nevertheless be noted that it is better to be equipped before they embark on the ascent of Criticón the north face, even if the text has "elegance Democratic offer in its complexes games, various input levels, how to recognize it is still full of mythological allusions, literary and historical allusions which are not seen by all. Impossible not to think Gulliver and Candide for some characters, much as the Joyce's Ulysses for imagination and language Quijote for the rhythm. That is the level where it is located. It sees the same delightful dream of a book so short that we would know by heart, or so long that we never stop to read it. Borges would have made her honey.
Some comments addressed to Pierre Assouline's blog:
A reading pleasure. Gracian, a Jesuit who uses this in emulation of his free will, as a good disciple of Ignatius Loyola, even teasing the thoughts of the Fathers. One of these Jesuits informed (before the term exists), elegant, thinking the world and deciphering. A policy also. A true humanist of the first seventeenth century.
... totally agree . more books Gracian illustrate both what can be a "write between the lines" crammed with cryptic allusions, readable only by experts, unlike the false transparency modern, and secondly what are the true books -manual, which call for living practices, while later books teem-treated, which inform theories. That's the whole point of humanism, which force through reading, work to amend itself, and a work of careful listening (or decryption) on the other. .
"All the wise should find salvation and navigate, unsoiled. "This should
written above the entrance door of this blog.
"It sees the same delightful dream of a book so short that we would know by heart, or so long that we never stop to read it. Borges would have made her honey. "
You won: tomorrow I will go to Aix. In my village apart from sunscreen are found not much else on the shelves.
This sort of theory or "training" universal man in Gracian would compare with Bildung in Germany, which has its roots in Pietism and in Karl Philipp Moritz and aesthetics, especially on the imitation trainer the beautiful (1788), which is like the foundation of German Romantic aesthetics. Mac we had also talked about Moritz is Todorov, who had revived the day in Theories of the symbol 1977.
These problems of the founding of the community policy, which dates back to scholasticism in Thomas Aquinas, have been thinking quite modern in Jean-Luc Nancy, The community idle, Christian Bourgois, and the book by Maurice Blanchot, who is a comment: The community shameful, Editions de Minuit, 1983. Works related to who wants to understand our time!
MAC, among others who want to read: Gracian, that's what the Jesuits know how to produce better and a cultivated mind who is not afraid of words and knows "recycle" ancient wisdom. Distance, a certain stoicism, the belief that the reason can save man from his impulses, and that the "heretics" are not to burn ... they are to listen and hear. Gracian, MAC, Mr. Onfray speaks in his book "In Praise of condottiere"-no need to read is just for the record. Gracian reminds me of a portrait by Titian, "the man with the glove." Gracian is a Rabelais who would not earthy (not Rabelais, we agree), but who would dare such thoughts of combining reflections very "modern" and ancient references. Gracian is a bit Spinoza too. That voice that reminds you that the type, nature in you and me is what motivates you to the worst excesses while the reflexive subject that you may be or become by reflection and study led you to tolerance, respect of yourself and others. And it is more incredible imagination.
is also why there is no human nature but only masks the appearance without reality, without a face. Pascal thought that will lead very far, as we know, to build on this vision for reinventing the art apologetic. Great moment of thought West in any case that the thought of Gracian, who in many ways, the thought of Levinas joined!
But you're right, jibe, Gracian closer to Spinoza. Because what lies at the heart of the thought of Gracian, like that of Montaigne, it is precisely the same question that haunts his contemporaries, what form of life proper to man (where all the thinking Montaigne on animals, as in Descartes and La Mettrie later that there will be no difference and will PLCs) in a world now governed by the mutations, changes, transformations, innovations and crises. Spinoza in his Ethics may well say: "Each thing, as far as his own, trying (conatur) to persevere in its being" and even Hobbes in Leviathan, wrote: "Life in itself same is RiEnd other than movement (Motion). "That is the premise at the heart of the philosophical thought of the seventeenth century: life is movement, stress, change of form, metamorphosis. All Shakespeare's plays is an illustration. The world is a closed universe, defined as completion could represent the Middle Ages limitations in physical and ontological, but rather, a steady stream of productions, an infinite array of modifications and creations, and man, in turn, is a form-of-life that is fully involved in this production, form-of-life constantly recreates and constantly changed. And in this context that raises the ontological question of ethics in the seventeenth century: what is the action that corresponds to a being in eternal movement? How human form in motion in the general movement, can think, speak, do, be affected live in a world without boundaries where there is only masks without ever face encounter (problem could not be more Levinasian)? In other words: can there be an ethics of conatus? Gracian offers us a possible answer. Pascal will be another one. And yet another had had Montaigne. From the same premises.
The two main themes and concepts - the appearance and opportunity - the thought of Gracian is taken directly from the themes of Greek Sophists: the phenomenon (φαινομένον, φαίνω verb: to show, shine, show) and timing (καίρος: chance). Machiavelli's thought it also inspires.
It was from there that Gracian forges its concepts ingenio (spirit) of Prudencia (caution) and agudeza (tip of the spirit): Hero gracianesque must know how to use, depending on whether that offers him the chance, his mind (ingenio) with caution (Prudencia), trial with agudeza, concealer act by controlling his passions, grasp the meaning of events and act accordingly without showing the nature of its affects. Least one knows about you, the better to act well. Moreover, he devoted himself a book at the forefront of the mind, agudeza, Agudeza y arte del ingenio, 1647, translated and published in the threshold by the same publisher, Benito Pelegrin, 1983, as the figure of Art and the spirit. This is the art of poetry and literature but also European English Baroque.
Indeed, Darach, you are absolutely right to bring Jankélévitch of Gracian, who had held the English philosophy in higher esteem. He often spoke in fact of Gracian and other thinkers of his time he was much more interesting and original as Hegel, Heidegger ... I am also very completely agree with him.
There would also be another missing link, what would Nietzsche, who was also an avid reader of Gracian. This period of Western thought which goes roughly from 1550 to 1670 is a time of great freedom of spirit between two metaphysical hell: that of Aristotle who collapsed in the early 17th century, back and reinvented by the ladies and the art of conversation which turns entirely, and that of Descartes, who is recovering in hands that severe mouth still our horizon. But with Gracian, Machiavelli, Pascal, La Boetie, Montaigne, one breathes the great sea air. And it feels good.
What someone like Gracian said, is that there are follies peculiar to an individual like Don Quixote and follies more interesting because they are shared by several people, or even an entire society. And that's where the universal man is the master in the art of domination. It looks absolutely foolish not to rely on her any reason whatsoever, since he knows that this rationale is impossible to find since there is no basis for anything in the world there are only reflections appearances. It simply seeks to control art show this collective madness to use at best for the better in this art and that everyone recognizes as the greatest "artist". That is why he speaks of art, not theory or treaty or truth or philosophy. So is his philosophy as an art.
We find that, hidden in Pascal, which is careful not to admit explicitly, leaving everything in soft focus while using the mind as a theater of shadows, reflections and appearance ( for example it uses the appearance of authentic evidence as proof: he invents an example to demonstrate a specific idea for that idea, while normally it should rely as we do to demonstrate an idea on an example taken from outside his mind in the real world, yet Pascal never do that, we to believe that his example is real, it has every appearance of reality, but in fact he invented from scratch, for example if we have the vertigo you cross a plank suspended in a vacuum).
Similarly, one could say that concepts like the concept of Kant's categorical imperative is one of those follies, one of those reflections that correspond to any rational basis. It's a great illusion that most people believe. It is the foundation of the Kantian moral practice. But it is meaningless. The proof is a ganster may as well be recommended as an Eichmann to exterminate six million people. Everything depends on the belief that society places in this madness. That's what we said Gracian. Sophisticated thinking is handled with delicacy, because if you shake the bottle too, that you fart easy to figure ...
• To listen on France Culture: Fridays Philosophy, 20,
June 2008, 10 am to 11 pm:
The English philosopher Baltasar Gracian (1601-1658) wrote at the end of his life a novel, Criticón, after drafting treaties and political morality. The use of allegory in this book gives the appearance of a cautionary tale but its author is a Jesuit unruly ever play with appearances.
The proposed route of the novel the reader is learning, punctuating the ages of life from spring to winter: the two main characters through the illusions of nothingness until the revelation of true happiness. However
Baltasar Gracian took the opportunity to settle accounts is with all authorities of the earthly world and the story becomes a picaresque novel, blending satire to fantasy. So the lesson becomes a philosophical glorification of play and language of the Baroque spirit.
Benito Pelegrin With a new translation of Criticón published by Seuil.
July 5, 2008, 15h-16h
Frequency Books Charles Ficat with Baltasar Gracian, Treaty policy aesthetic, ethical . The Criticón Benito Pelegrin, From a time of uncertainty .
July 8, 2008 15:30 PM 16: In more ways than one. Jacques Munier receives Benito Pelegrín.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
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Monday, March 3, 2008
How Fast Does Abreva Work On Cold Sores
And there was light as the resonance of his voice, the accent clouded by too many cigarettes or perhaps hidden images, he could grasp beyond that impression Forms that their color had marked his voice, he perceived that their presence as a distant echo.
Later, he understands, "It was the light that penetrated his voice, the light of the house above the sea suspended, it was this silence which empties into the sea
Once he succeeds, the house bathed in sunlight, the image of L. , the voice of L. and its warm color and as yet broken, the shards of memory wounded in his throat. Light blond hair weeps L., in his fingers he still feel the fragility of her hair in the house above the sea, as a reflection blonde vanished over time which again sparkles. Light crying eyes of L. spread over the sea was afraid before, the eyes of L., he did not understand that color that poured all over her face, her almost slanted eyes, he knew they were not yet restrained, unable to get rid of this impression,-the blue eyes of L., he has now because of the sea motionless at his feet, light sea
L. had spoken of the house far suspended, and the sea, and E. playing all day at the piano, absorbed somehow by the piano, the captured light on the keys, she had this image of E., his fingers were spread again and again and were based in sea
He came, E. listening, it still plays in the house above the sea, and her blond hair who devour the light, and his fingers can no longer stop the music, she runs the music under the fingers of E., a warm and as yet broken, it now includes just the voice of L. is the voice of L. who sings under the fingers of E., hair blond E.. who plays for him, perhaps long she waited for him to play, she waited for him to come to the house far suspended, even though she knows that he has finally come for L. disappeared, only to find L, the voice of L. in the light under the fingers of E. Light crying in the fingers of E. She has waited so long for another, the desire for another, it will never be another desire for E. that of L., the memory of L. E.. door again.
He longed L. and his voice invaded by memories he could not see, he wanted to see, and what-not that she discerns in the loose hair of E.. in which pierces the melody as if sea suddenly discharged him so violent and the sea too blue eyes of L. that look so terrible that no one has ever seen, the voice of him who has never worn trail.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
How Many Days Before Implantation Bleeding?
It is the nature of parasites can manipulate their hosts by influencing their behavior through chemical processes that still intrigue many researchers.
extricate itself from its host, it may force him to commit suicide by jumping into the water, allowing it to regain the aquatic environment essential for its reproduction.

Their methods of handling are well known ... They are both political, economic, and cathode.
So beware of counterfeits ...

Saturday, February 9, 2008
Front Of Neck Right Side Hurts By Throat
too heavy to send to friends, I post here!
Kisses ...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Interview Suit For Juniors
This new man was one of ours. He just fooled by the sirens of the matrix, giving up his freedom and succumbing to the comfort of a easement that condemns him to abandon his dreams.
Anything that is not the drama and the drama of daily life for the special interests are more for him.
Overwhelmed by the monotony of her days without relief or splinters, and the prospect of tomorrows disillusioned, he wanders, subject to the vicissitudes of a mediocre existence in search of ephemeral pleasures condemning all forms of utopias.
He eventually became the best ally of the established order in legitimizing his critics by pseudo subversive who are both soft and disillusioned, his condition and that of their oppressors.
From Luxor to Petra, Putin to Gaddafi, the Front for the Liberation of Earthworms finally questioned about its means to fight the denial in a world where even "public smoking" has become an act of resistance against a totalitarian machine which rushes to the most intimate thoughts.
The ability of individuals to tolerate what might be intolerable is highly questionable.
Given the urgency of doubt we are no longer allowed. We must again go back to front. It appears that we face in quitting salvation will come from our ability to remain united and continue the fight.
Friends of the Earth, intra-terrestrial, who came from further afield, joining forces ...!
It is time for us to reaffirm the values of collective action against the arrogance of a triumphant individualism.
The question now is not to retreat from the blows of a propaganda under the guise of protecting us, we infantilizes and deprives us of our free will.

... I renounce for her sake that confuses prison and love me.
I renounce ... the brilliance of the nights of drunkenness among other arms and closes his eyes to the beauty of spirit that does not understand.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Spell To Change Yourself Into Anything
Doubtless they were only clouds in the sky was piled in heat like fruit too full of sunshine they exude a smell of their flesh and passes it seems to detect the taste of a trace brownish, barely perceptible poison which inflames the long summer days -nights of love.
She wonders if this is not the memory that has been interfered in the brown shadow, to pretend to understand. She was tired all the time she felt like crying his tiredness, as if tears were agglutinated in his body-the sensation of this heavy liquid she remembers a little. She
images stuck in time, memories still.
Summer deadened the words she hears them as prizes in the silence, you are so beautiful miss if you knew how much I desire you.
I love you. Always
was still long this summer, it was always summer time suspended.
It does never end, never? This link will explode and that still remains your voice and your look, your desire you will let me borrow not forgotten you who do not remember anything and is reborn again and again the silence - his voice
retains the imprint of their body confused and she deploys the presence of what is no longer resurrect the corpse it was tried to bury her voice weaves around her eyes caressing gestures that strangle it can not, she can not.
She had thought everything was shattered, her, and pieces scattered in an instant at the end of the summer you see how everything explodes from inside-he suddenly n 'There is nothing-flaps mangled and probably you do not know how everything blows up, as everything is then reduced to splinters in the flesh you decide.
He was dead and she thought perhaps she was mistaken, it was not so simple, even with the sky exploded in the sky brown, black sky. It was the tearing of the black sun, this light that had sucked, burned at night, it was the black sun and its destruction.
It was the desire of the explosion probably unwittingly, the end of the summer sky and the clouds become embers, they had loaded all the time of their love -
He promised, again, the memory, he forgets the images in an instant exhausted,-the absence of memory of cemeteries. He forgets to forget as his own face.
was beautiful, the death of the black sun and at the time of his death so violent light.
You think for a moment that it all really breaks, it needed only a moment of silence and death and debris themselves no longer carries the trace of the wound that have created
-forget it as we forget when the time is dead.
She remembers.
It's over.
She thinks that it is always, and never again.
( Photo: C., Berlin Summer 2007)
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Who Sells Black Shoestring Licorice
And it does not probably have been better never to try to understand just let themselves go by making her suddenly-by making it
she sees it and at first it goes this is not serious and then maybe suddenly, but it burns the same as before something else inside she feels that it gently spreads a kind of delicious poison
tired all the time and she brushed it would just be something like-something like
Ich will.
No longer in what she throws before throwing what burns
just what she wants in the moment she wants and she seized the moment as the heat has contaminated the Air charged her of his desire she said yes just in the moment and probably never in it so strongly echo a word in asserting his actions flowing throughout her body
Ich will.
What she cries to happen in this momentum perhaps most profoundly it is often closed in itself and kills and suddenly spread violently, suddenly
Yet later released a voice hollow of the night and come upon her as a punishment thing, raises a fault in the air just now burning when not one word reverberated from it sprung - it's wanting
the impression that the voice comes from afar as if to remind her of a depth faceless and she
petrified for a moment she saw the image of an ice dragon and lion felled bathing in his own blood off his coat of gold-pierced by an injury she digs into the depth created by the
voice of the dragon is too late now too late
From sollst.
Then she runs into the night like a dead man making it is that she died
she says no and the lion dies with him-and it is very cold
gradually lengthened on the bed night around as if too much silence
now she feels against her body wounded dying to get caught up in the night defeated the lion making it is that she is dead she is no doubt.
Ich will, "said the lion. From
sollst, "said the dragon.